Sunday, January 30, 2011

Organizing your Recipes!

This project took me YEARS to finally get aroung to finishing- and honestly I just completed it a few weeks ago. I was teaching ANOTHER meal planning class at church and I was really embaressed that I had not organized my recipes in a better way- so I finally stopped procrasting and finished it! (If you know me- you know I hate to cook, so I really wasn't thrilled about this project!)
My G-ma gave me the big binder years ago with recipes put in plastic sheets and that is how I've been organizing ever since. I love that they are covered because when I splatter something on the page, I can wipe it off easily.I did go through and organize everything into sections and then had to make my own dividers. (I could go through and subcatorize, but this is one area I am NOT picky about- so this is good enough for me.) I also didn't retype any of the recipes. It's become one of my favorite things: to see one in my Grandmother's handwriting, or my Mom's, or even one I wrote down quickly on a post it while talking to one of them on the phone. Just do what works for you, that's all that's important- but get it done!

*** I also went through all of my favorite Kraft & Food magazines and tore out all the recipes I liked, and threw the magazine in the recycling bin. I had a ton of magazines to go through, but I saved a lot of space by doing it!***

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